Covid-19 Updates

Covid-19 Information and Updates

We follow health and safety guidelines to keep delegates and instructors safe during the coronavirus pandemic. Below, you can find the measures that we implement during our courses.

  • Delegate that has any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. new persistent cough, high temperature, loss or change in sense of smell or taste) must not attend training. A free transfer to a future course will be provided.
  • Delegate’s temperatures may be checked before the start of the course. If found to be high, the delegate will be asked to attend a later course.
  • Social distancing measures will be implemented between everyone at all times during the course and request the same of delegates during breaks. To do this we have reduced class sizes dependent on the size of the room.
  • Hand sanitisation will be available for each candidate and in communal areas.
  • A 1:1 delegate to manikin ratio will be implemented for CPR practice and will maintain our rigorous manikin cleaning protocols.
  • We have altered our training strategies to ensure that trainers and delegates don’t touch and remain socially distanced during practical sessions.
  • Gloves and surgical masks will be provided for relevant practical sessions.
Covid 19 Health & Safety Diagram

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Eureka Training

With 30+ years of experience, we provide health and safety training programmes for businesses, schools and community groups.

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Eureka Training